ClassiCon GmbH
Sigmund-Riefler-Bogen 3
81829 Munich
For general enquiries:
Phone: +49 89 74 81 33-0
For enquiries from customers / dealers and on sales topics:
Phone: +49 89 74 81 33-40
Office and showroom opening times:
Monday till Thursday from 8.30 am until 5 pm
Friday from 8.30 am until 3 pm
You can view the ClassiCon product range in our showroom. Due to Covid-19, we urgently request that you make an appointment in advance via phone +49 89 74 81 33-0 or info[-at-]classicon[-dot-]com.
neumann communication
Eigelstein 103-113
50668 Köln
Paris Exibition:
The "Eileen Gray - Non Conformist" exhibition will be extended until 26 February!!